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linux most useful commands you should See

Linux very Useful Commands

Here is a list of Linux and Unix commands which will be useful for you. These commands can be used as a quick reference to simplify your Linux or Unix using experience. The commands are categorized into different categories depending upon the operation of the command. Almost commands of every type are listed here. The commands are listed with their category , command and the operation it does. The list goes as follows..
File Commands
  • ls : directory listing
  • ls -al : formatted listing with hidden files
  • cd dir : change directory to dir
  • cd : change to home
  • pwd : show current directory
  • mkdir dir : create a directory dir
  • rm file : delete file
  • rm -r dir : delete directory dir
  • rm -f file : force remove file
  • rm -rf dir : force remove directory dir
  • cp file1 file2 : copy file1 to file2
  • cp -r dir1 dir2 : copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it doesn’t exist
  • mv file1 file2 : rename or move file1 to file2 if file2 is an existing directory, moves file1 into directory file2
  • ln -s file link : create symbolic link link to file
  • touch file : create or update file
  • cat > file : places standard input into file
  • more file : output the contents of file
  • head file : output the first 10 lines of file
  • tail file : output the last 10 lines of file
  • tail -f file : output the contents of file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines
Process Management
  • ps : display your currently active processes
  • top : display all running processes
  • kill pid : kill process id pid
  • killall proc : kill all processes named proc
  • bg : lists stopped or background jobs; resume a stopped job in the background
  • fg : brings the most recent job to foreground
  • fg n : brings job n to the foreground
File Permissions
  • chmod octal file – change the permissions of file to octal, which can be found separately for user, group, and world by adding: 4 – read (r), 2 – write (w), 1 – execute (x)
  • chmod 777 – read, write, execute for all
  • chmod 755 – rwx for owner, rx for group and world
For more options, see man chmod.
  • ssh user@host : connect to host as user
  • ssh -p port user@host : connect to host on port port as user
  • ssh-copy-id user@host : add your key to host for user to enable a keyed or passwordless login
  • grep pattern files : search for pattern in files
  • grep -r pattern dir : search recursively for pattern in dir
  • command | grep pattern : search for pattern in the output of command
  • locate file : find all instances of file
System Info
  • date : show the current date and time
  • cal : show this month’s calendar
  • uptime : show current uptime
  • w : display who is online
  • whoami : who you are logged in as
  • finger user : display information about user
  • uname -a : show kernel information
  • cat /proc/cpuinfo : cpu information
  • cat /proc/meminfo : memory information
  • man command : show the manual for command
  • df : show disk usage
  • du : show directory space usage
  • free : show memory and swap usage
  • whereis app : show possible locations of app
  • which app : show which app will be run by default
  • tar cf file.tar files : create a tar named file.tar containing files
  • tar xf file.tar : extract the files from file.tar
  • tar czf file.tar.gz files : create a tar with Gzip compression
  • tar xzf file.tar.gz : extract a tar using Gzip
  • tar cjf file.tar.bz2 : create a tar with Bzip2 compression
  • tar xjf file.tar.bz2 : extract a tar using Bzip2
  • gzip file : compresses file and renames it to file.gz
  • gzip -d file.gz : decompresses file.gz back to file
  • ping host : ping host and output results
  • whois domain : get whois information for domain
  • dig domain : get DNS information for domain
  • dig -x host : reverse lookup host
  • wget file : download file
  • wget -c file : continue a stopped download
Install from source:
  • ./configure
  • make
  • make install
  • dpkg -i pkg.deb : install a package (Debian)
  • rpm -Uvh pkg.rpm : install a package (RPM)
  • Ctrl+C – halts the current command
  • Ctrl+Z – stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background
  • Ctrl+D – log out of current session, similar to exit
  • Ctrl+W – erases one word in the current line
  • Ctrl+U – erases the whole line
  • Ctrl+R – type to bring up a recent command
  • !! – repeats the last command
  • exit – log out of current session

CPU Assembly and Disassembly Procedure

CPU Assembly and Disassembly Procedure

You might think that disassembly and assembly of the system unit is easy. Yes it is provided that you have done it correct and safely. The first thing that every computer technician should keep in mind is SAFETY. You must think that electrocution and nasty cuts are the most common injuries a computer technician might have and we need to avoid it by following simple safety procedures. To disassemble and assemble a computer is integral as being a Computer Hardware Servicing Technician.

Aside from electrocution, we must also think that the computer that we are about to disassemble requires care. Safety of the equipment must also be considered. Not only thinking of the computer's safety but also to that of your tools. Your tools are your best friends and you need to take good care of them so they in return can make your job easy and fast. Example, if you just leave your software installer anywhere then accidentally falls to the ground and accumulates scratches? Do you think you can still use the installer again?

Another thing to consider safety is on environment. As computer technicians, we must be responsible to take our part to take care of the environment. What things does computer technicians do that might have ill effects on the environment? Printer inks, cut wires, PCB's, in general electronic wastes. And these electronic wastes are the hardest type of waste to recycle. So be responsible as a computer servicing technician. So listed below is the checklist for a safe and successful disassembly and assembly of the computer.

Steps to a Safe and Successful Disassembly and Assembly of a System Unit

To Disassemble

1. Prepare all your tools.
a. Long Philip Screw Driver
b. Rubber Eraser
c. Soft Wide Bristle Brush
d. Paper and Pen for documentation

2. Before opening the system case, be sure to turn off the system unit. Turn off and unplug the AVR from the wall socket as well. After that, unplug all the cables connecting to the back of the system unit. After clearing all the connected cables, put the system unit on an empty working table.

3. Touch the unpainted part of your system unit with your bare hands to remove the ESD of your body. This is an important part before opening your system case. You might destroy your RAM, Chipsets and other components of your motherboard.

4. Remove the screws of the side cover opposite to the side where the ports are. By most system cases, if you are facing the back of the system unit the right side cover is to be removed. Return the screws back to the screw holes to avoid losing them.

5. Once the side cover is removed, turn your system side down where the opened side of the system unit should be facing upward where you can comfortably look down on the inside of your system case.

6. We are now ready to remove the components inside of the computer. The first thing we need to do is remove the power supply. To be able to remove the power supply, remove first the molex connectors (the white plastic connector at the tip of the wires of the power supply) or the motherboard power connector, drive power connectors, the floppy drive power connector, the sata power connectors and the four pin 12-volt motherboard connector. With all power connectosr are removed from the motherboard and drives, the power supply is now ok to be removed as well. Always have the removed components placed in a remote and safe place away from where you are performing computer disassembly.

7. With the power supply removed, the data cable should be removed next. This includes IDE, SATA, and floppy drive cables. Secure the removed data cables.

8. Next to remove are the RAM, Video Card and other card peripheral components. Again have them secured in a safe place and put the screws back. Clean the connector edges of the card peripherals by rubbing the gold colored edge moderately with a rubber eraser then brushing off the shredding. Do not attempt to clean the edge by blowing or brushing it off with your fingers. Our body is acidic and you might only cause the edges to tarnish faster.

9. Remove all drives. This will include your hard drive, cd/dvd drives, and the floppy drive.

10. Since all peripherals where removed, the next thing to do is to remove the front panel connectors. This will include the USB, Front Panel (FP) and Audio header. If you are not sure of which connector is being match to, write down or document the connections and orientation of the connectors before removing them from the headers. Remember that not all motherboards have the same header configuration so be careful and watchful while documenting.

11. After removing the header connectors, we are now ready to remove the motherboard. To remove the motherboard, locate first all the screws and lightly unscrew all screws alternately. With this technique, we are reducing the risk of warping or bending our motherboard. It may not have a large impact on the bending of the motherboard but still it does have even a little. Upon lightly loosening all screws, remove all screws then. Remove the motherboard by carefully and lightly pulling it away from the I/O shield. Why? because we need to free the ports that are fitted from the holes in the I/O shield. After freeing the motherboard ports from the I/O shield holes, lift up the motherboard and put it on the safe place.

12. Clean the system unit chassis with your brush, also clean your motherboard and the rest of the peripherals being removed.

To Assemble

1. Provided that all peripherals are clean and ready. We are now going to assemble your computer. In assembling back your computer, what we have done during disassembling is just doing the reverse order to assemble it. Since the motherboard was last to be removed, it should then be the first to put back. Remove the retaining screws from the standoff screws of the motherboard and let the motherboard seat on it with the ports facing out towards the I/O shield. Lightly push the motherboard to set its ports to the holes of the I/O shield. Put the retaining screws on the motherboard screw holes but do not tighten it yet. Now be careful in doing this one and if this is your first time doing it, it is best if you lend a hand for assistance. Lightly push the motherboard towards to I/O shield and lightly tighten the motherboard retaining screws alternately until all screws are tight enough but not too tight. This is to ensure that your ports are protruding correctly out of the I/O shield.

2. Once the motherboard is secured, put back the FP, Audio, and USB header connectors as you will be using your documentation for reference.

3. Put back the drives to the correct drive bays.

4. Connect back the RAM, Video Card and other card peripherals to its proper slot inserting it properly and some cards will require screws to be secured.

5. The data cables (IDE, SATA, floppy cable) should be connected to its proper headers and drives. Remember the proper configuration of the placement of the cables specially if you are dealing with the IDE cables.

6. After the data cables are properly connected, put back the power supply and secure it with the screws you removed earlier. After securing the PSU to the chassis, connect the power connectors to the drives and the motherboard.

7. Once all peripherals are connected properly, have a final inspection by visually checking for loose connection or improper connection. Once the system unit connections are thoroughly checked and verified, connect the keyboard; the monitor, and the power connector then power up the computer. This initial powering up of the computer while the side cover is open ensures us that everything is ok before putting back the side cover. In case something goes wrong, we can accessibly correct the problem right away. If everything is fine shutdown the computer, unplugged the AVR and remove the cables connected to the back of your computer. Put the side cover back.

8. Put the assembled computer back to its place and connect the rest of the cables and connectors. Power it up and see if there are unusual effects of your disassembling/assembling procedure done earlier.

Laptop DVD drive Replace technique

How to Replace a

Laptop DVD/CD ROM Drive

1). Turn off the laptop and unplug the AC adapter. Remove the battery.

2). Turn over the laptop. TheCD drive is normally held in place by only one or two small screws, located towards the middle of the computer. Sometimes, there is a picture of a CD drive next to the screw. Many times, the screw is underneath a label, necessitating the removal of the label.

3). Remove the screws.

4). With the screws removed, the old drive should slide out easily. Slide out the drive.

5). Slide the new drive into the case, and replace the screws.

6). Boot up the laptop. Install driver software if necessary, and make sure that the drive is recognized by the operating system.

Computer Processors

Computer Processors
Know about the different types of Processor

Traditionally computer processor design and innovation has advanced at an exceedingly fast rate. As a corollary, the market for computer processors is vast and often times confusing to a first time explorer. However, learning the key feature sets and functions that set each processor apart from one another is not very difficult at all.
Since the inception of mainstream computing into the homes of society, but there has been consumer and commercial level computer processor manufacturers. The Intel Corporation is undoubtedly the first name when any consumer thinks of the word processor is mentioned. Intel has been producing the most top-line computer processors for several decades now. AMD or Advanced Micro Devices is Intel's only true competitor in the computer processor market producing computer processors, which rival the speed and power of Intel's.

When considering the architecture of a computer processor, there are really only a few key factors to consider. Whether the processor has a 32-bit or 64-bit core determines whether or not the processor can run your software correctly. The amount of on die processor cache memory is also of importance, as this integrated memory space is where processor instructions are held before execution. Finally, is the system a single, dual or quad core processor? While multicore processors do have their advantages there is still a lack of software able to utilize multicore processors.

Clock Speed
The clock speed of a computer processor determines the rate at which a processor executes instructions on data. Today this rate of execution is expressed in billions of instructions per second. Though having a computer processor with a high clock speed is advantageous, it alone is not the only factor that dictates overall system performance. Higher clock speeds increase all system tasks, such as web browsing, movie encoding, and system utilities like anti-virus software.

Computer processors must be maintained according to their manufacturer's specifications in order to perform at their full potential. All too often consumers will pick an expensive cutting edge processor while neglecting support hardware for their processor. Different processors require different power supplies, proper heat sink/ fan combos, and adequate memory in order to function correctly. Above all, different processors require different cooling solutions. Each processor has its own TDP (Thermal Design Power) which is an indication of heat output which must be dissipated.

Current Models
The most recent offerings from Intel and AMD are the Core i7 quad core and Phenom II quad core processors respectively. The Core i7 supersedes the Core 2 series of dual and quad core Intel processors and the Phenom II supersedes the Phenom I dual and quad core model AMD processors. Outside of extreme gaming or high-end 3D graphics applications, even the Phenom II and Core 2 older model processors are more than adequate for the home user and come at a much lower price point in most cases.

শনিবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫

Nokia Chikon pin charger by usb jahidmonir

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫

Bangla Information: কার সাথে বিয়ে হবে সেটা কি পূর্ব নির্ধারিত

Bangla Information: কার সাথে বিয়ে হবে সেটা কি পূর্ব নির্ধারিত: কোথায় কার সাথে বিয়েহবে যে ভাবে পূর্ব নির্ধারিত ! তিনি তাকদীর বিষয়ে কিছু জিজ্ঞাসা করেন, হযরত আয়শা রাঃ বলেন, আমি রাসুল সাঃ কে বলতে শুনেছি যে ...


Bangladesh Railway All Train Schedule
Train noNameOff-dayDepartureArrival
701Subarna ExpressFridayChittagong06:40Dhaka13:00
702Subarna ExpressFridayDhaka15:00Chittagong21:45
703Mohanagar GoduliChittagong15:00Dhaka22:10
704Mohanagar ProvatiDhaka07:40Chittagong15:15
705Ekota ExpressTuesdayDhaka10:00Dinajpur19:40
706Ekota ExpressMondayDinajpur21:20Dhaka07:15
707Tista ExpressMondayDhaka07:20Dewangong12:55
708Tista ExpressMondayDewangong15:00Dhaka20:40
709Parabat  ExpressTuesdayDhaka06:40Sylhet13:35
710Parabat  ExpressTuesdaySylhet15:00Dhaka22:30
711Upukol ExpressWednesdayNoakhali06:20Dhaka12:40
712Upukol ExpressTuesdayDhaka16:20Noakhali22:35
717Joyantika ExpressDhaka12:00Sylhet19:50
718Joyantika ExpressThursdaySylhet08:20Dhaka16:00
719Paharia ExpressMondayChittagong08:15Sylhet17:30
720Paharia ExpressSaturdaySylhet10:15Chittagong20:00
721Mohanagar ProvatiSundayChittagong07:00Dhaka14:20
722Mohanagar GoduliSundayDhaka15:20Chittagong22:50
723Uddayan ExpressSaturdayChittagong21:30Sylhet06:30
724Uddayan ExpressSundaySylhet21:20Chittagong06:10
729Megna ExpressChittagong17:00Chandpur22:10
730Megna ExpressChandpur05:00Chittagong10:40
735Agnibina ExpressDhaka09:40Tarakandi15:20
736Agnibina ExpressTarakandi16:30Dhaka22:50
737Egarosindhur ProvatiWednesdayDhaka08:10Kisoregonj12:15
738Egarosindhur ProvatiKisoregonj06:45Dhaka10:50
739Upaban ExpressWednesdayDhaka21:50Sylhet05:30
740Upaban ExpressSylhet22:00Dhaka05:30
741Turna ExpressChittagong23:00Dhaka06:35
742Turna ExpressDhaka23:30Chittagong07:10
745Jamuna ExpressDhaka16:40BB_East00:10
746Jamuna ExpressBB_East01:10Dhaka08:10
749Egarosindhur GoduliDhaka18:30Kisoregonj23:10
750Egarosindhur GoduliWednesdayKisoregonj12:45Dhaka16:55
751Lalmoni ExpressFridayDhaka22:10Lalmonirhat08:20
752Lalmoni ExpressFridayLalmonirhat10:40Dhaka21:05
757Drutojan ExpressWednesdayDhaka19:40Dinajpur05:30
758Drutojan ExpressWednesdayDinajpur07:40Dhaka17:55
767Dolonchapa ExpressSantahar13:30Dinajpur20:30
768Dolonchapa ExpressDinajpur05:40Santahar12:20
771Rangpur ExpressSundayDhaka09:00Rangpur19:00
772Rangpur ExpressSundayRangpur20:00Dhaka06:15
773Kalani ExpressFridayDhaka16:00Sylhet22:45
774Kalani ExpressFridaySylhet06:40Dhaka13:25
775Sirajgong ExpressSaturdayIshurdi07:45Dhaka15:10
776Sirajgong ExpressSaturdayDhaka17:00Ishurdi24:00
Train noNameOffdayFromDepartureToArrival
715Kapotaskh expressWednesdayKhulna06:30Rajshahi13:10
716Kapotaskh expressWednesdayRajshahi14:00Khulna20:50
725Sundarban expressFridayKhulna19:30Dhaka05:50
726Sundarban expressSaturdayDhaka06:20Khulna16:20
727Rupsha expressThrusdayKhulna07:45Saidpur17:15
728Rupsha expressThrusdaySaidpur07:45Khulna18:00
731Barendra expressSundayRajshahi15:00Chilahati22:15
732Barendra expressSundayChilahati05:30Rajshahi12:35
733Titumir expressWednesdayRajshahi06:30Chilahati13:40
734Titumir expressWednesdayChilahati14:20Rajshahi22:00
747Simanta expressNoKhulna21:00Saidpur06:20
748Simanta expressNoSaidpur19:00Khulna04:30
753Silk city expressSundayDhaka14:40Rajshahi21:05
754Silk city expressSundayRajshahi07:20Dhaka13:45
755Madhumati expressFridayGoalonda hat15:00Rajshahi20:30
756Madhumati expressFridayRajshahi07:00Goalonda Ghat ghat12:30
759Padma ExpressTuesdayDhaka23:10Rajshahi04:50
760Padma ExpressTuesdayRajshahi16:00Dhaka cantt21:50
761Sagardari ExpressMondayKhulna14:50Rajshahi21:40
762Sagardari ExpressMondayRajshahi06:10Khulna13:00
763Chittra ExpressMondayKhulna08:30Dhaka18:20
764Chittra ExpressMondayDhaka19:00Khulna05:10
765NilsagarMondayDhaka Cantt08:25Chilahati18:15
766NilsagarSundayChilahati21:20Dhaka Cantt07:50
769Dhumketue expressTuesdayDhaka06:00Rajshahi11:50
770Dhumketue expressMondayRajshahi23:20Dhaka04:50
3107/3110Moitree Express--Dhaka Cantt08:10Kolkata18:45
3108/3109Moitree Express--Kolkata07:10Dhaka Cantt18:05
Train noNameOff dayFromDepartureToArrival
1Dhaka mailNoChittagong22:30Dhaka07:10
2Chittagong mailNoDhaka22:30Chittagong07:15
3Karnaphuli expressNoChittagong11:00Dhaka23:00
4Karnaphuli expressNoDhaka08:25Chittagong20:25
7Uttarbanga mailNoSantahar09:30Punchogor22:40
8Uttarbanga mailNoPunchogor08:00Santahar22:30
9Surma mailNoDhaka22:50Sylhet12:00
10Surma mailNoSylhet20:20Dhaka10:15
11Dhaka expressNoNoakhali21:00Dhaka05:55
12Noakhali expressNoDhaka20:10Noakhali04:40
13Jalalabad expressNoChittagong19:30Sylhet11:10
14Jalalabad expressNoSylhet22:30Chittagong13:15
17Kushiara expressNoAkhaura06:15Sylhet13:00
18Kushiara expressNoSylhet16:10Akhaura22:50
19Bagora expressNoSantahar16:00Lalmonirhat22:50
20Bagora expressNoLalmonirhat08:30Santahar15:30
21Padmarag expressNoSantahar06:20Lalmanirhat12:30
22Padmarag expressNoLalmanirhat14:10Santahar20:20
29Sagarika expressNoChittagong08:15Chandpur14:25
30Sagarika expressNoChandpur15:10Chittagong21:10
33Titas commuterNoAkhaura05:00Dhaka08:30
34Titas commuterFridayDhaka10:10B.Baria13:15
35Titas commuterFridayB.Baria13:50Dhaka16:35
36Titas commuterNoDhaka17:40Akhaura21:40
37Mymensingh expressNoChittagong15:10B.B Setu Purbo09:10
38Mymensingh expressNoB.B Setu Purbo02:00Chittagong20:10
39Isakhan expressNoDhaka11:30Mymensingh21:45
40Isakhan expressNoMymensingh07:30Dhaka19:50
41Kanchan expressNoParbatipur07:00Thakurgaon road10:30
42Kanchan expressNoThakurgaon road15:00Parbatipur18:40
43Mahua expressNoDhaka12:20Mohanganj19:10
44Mahua expressNoMohanganj20:30Dhaka03:30
45Samatat expressNoNoakhali08:00Laksam09:50
46Samatat expressNoLaksam17:20Noakhali19:20
47Dewanganj ComuterNoDhaka05:30Dewanganj Bazar12:00
48Dewanganj ComuterNoDewanganj Bazar13:20Dhaka19:25
49Balaka ComuterNoDhaka10:30Mymensingh14:10
50Balaka ComuterNoMymensingh14:55Dhaka19:00
51Jamalpur commuterNoDhaka15:40Dewangonj Bazar22:20
52Jamalpur commuterNoDewangonj Bazar04:20Dhaka10:30
53Benapole CommuterNoKhulna07:10Benapole09:50
54Benapole CommuterNoBenapole12:45Khulna15:40
55Voyal expressNoDhaka21:00Dewangong Bazar04:15
56Voyal expressNoDewangong Bazar01:00Dhaka12:25
61Dinajpur CommuterNoLalmonirhat06:50Birol10:20
62Dinajpur CommuterNoBirol10:40Lalmonirhat14:00
63Burimari ExpressNoLalmonirhat12:50Parbatipur15:00
64Burimari ExpressNoParbatipur05:20Lalmonirhat07:40
65Burimari ExpressNoLalmonirhat08:00Burimari10:10
66Burimari ExpressNoBurimari10:30Lalmonirhat12:40
69Perbotipur CommuterNoLalmonirhat21:00Parbatipur23:10
70Perbotipur CommuterNoParbatipur18:30Lalmonirhat20:40
75Dholesssory ExpressNoMymensingh11:45B.B Setu East15:50
76Dholesssory ExpressNoB.B Setu East19:30Mymensingh23:45
Train NoNameOff dayFromDepartureToArrival
5Rajshahi expressNoJoydevpur13:55Chapainawabganj01:00
6Rajshahi expressNoChapainawabganj08:10Sirajgonj Bazar17:30
15Mahananda ExpressNoKhulna12:40Chapainawabganj01:00
16Mahananda ExpressNoRahanpur05:45Khulna18:30
23Rocket expressNoKhulna09:30Parbatipur22:10
24Rocket expressNoParbatipur10:00Khulna00:15
25Nakshikantha expressNokhulna02:00Goalondaghat11:00
26Nakshikantha expressNoGoalondaghat13:00Khulna22:15
27Chilahati expressNoParbatipur04:30Chilahati06:30
28Chilahati expressNoChilahati07:10Parbatipur09:30
31Uttara expressNoRajshahi12:10Parbatipur19:15
32Uttara expressNoParbatipur03:25Rajshahi10:25
53Benapol commuterNoKhulna07:10Benapol09:50
54Benapol commuterNoBenapol12:45Khulna15:40
57Rajshahi commuterNoIshurdi07:00Chapainawabganj11:20
58Rajshahi commuterNoChapainawabganj13:40Ishurdi19:00